Thursday 11 October 2012

Discussion: E-Book or A Book?

 What are your thoughts?

I personally feel that a plain old book does the trick on that long quiet night or on a rainy afternoon or when chilling on the beach drinking coconut juice or while having breakfast over the weekend in a quiet little cafe. The touch of a book feels about right. Flipping the pages and running my fingers through each line feels comfortable. Now here I am blogging on an iPad for an online reading medium that you are currently engaging.

The team at MORRIELAND are working on several projects; some digital and print stuff. However, we are not entirely sure of what people really want. You can tell us to conduct research but I can tell you that no matter how detailed your research can get, it can't tell us precisely what you are thinking. Research is often guided; leading you to think in one of the many directions that the outcome desires. So how is it that we determine what you really want? The answer is we don't. We ask ourselves as consumers and makers of products. Hopefully, we'll have something in common with our thoughts.As much as we love a plain old book, we must give credit to technology for bridging a certain gap. Young readers, that is. With technology driven e-learning products on the rise, we can't help but get onboard with the idea of reading via electronic devices. Be it over the Internet or not, these devices are connecting people and especially children to a wide variety of reading materials. With the latest buzz on gamification, it is no surprise how children are even more engaged in learning than they ever did in a classroom.

However we are discussing reading. Reading on a digital device called e-book versus the flat, non-interactive and dissolves in water paper we'd like to call a book. Between e-book and a book, there are pros and cons to it. Environmentally, they say a digital book can save millions of trees from being cut down. But what about the amount of energy that a digital device consumes when being charged for power on a daily basis? If the whole world adapts to the digital method, will we have enough energy to sustain our living and economy? So, environmentally, it is equally unsafe but with limits, it can both be practical and valid.

Now let's talk about content. Interactive e-book versus the non-interactive one – flip your own pages and avoid paper cuts – which is also known as a book. On a digital device, books can also be flipped or clicked or swiped or swirled or basically just about any motion it is programmed to do. Sounds like a lot of fun until if you have a steady device. Sometimes, you'll get cute or gutsy animation accompanying a story on every page. But a more common e-book is just a series of text on a white screen inviting long-term poor eyesight problems in the future. It hurts to read an entire novel in a day and in just a few hours your device will run out of power. That can't happen to a book. A book too can have pictures and if creatively done, a few quick flips of pages, you'll get to see moving pictures. But then, you'll be carrying a lot of thick books when you travel. It's hard to pick a winner here too so let's move on.

Games oh glorious games! The one thing technology can do is social engagement and e-books are reaping the benefits of this. Read it, play a game and share it. Play some more, get more points, share it and keep playing. Reading with games can become very addictive. But are people reading to improve reading, gain knowledge or to win stuff at the games? A book can also have games in them but it is for one's enjoyment only. Books such as the Omnibus series can also be very addictive. Flipping of pages from random clues to solve a never-ending mystery is a traditional way of engaging one's thoughts. Far less distraction than a social media type reading. There’re just too many points to consider that we can't point out which is better.

So is it e-book or a book for you? I'd say a bit of both for me. If I wanted a more serious reading, I'd opt for a book. Flipping through papers without lag or distractions when reading a novel sure does float my boat. However, when it comes to graphic novels, comics or children's literature, I do find an e-book filled with interactivity can bring me joy. Despite the random stuff to click on, it is a great distraction from stress as well a great experience. Nonetheless, the collector in me will still drive me to buy the physical version but I'd just order it online. Who says traditional and modern methods don't mix well? Works for me. 

But is all this technology, concepts and contents any good? In today's society, everywhere I turn I can see tablets and smartphones populating the earth as much as the piling garbage in any given back alley. In case you didn't get it, that is a lot. With that, perhaps it is safe to assume that people are getting access to technology but are they engaging in the contents as well? The better question is that are they engaging in an age-appropriate content? Now that is a whole different topic that we will cover next time.

Thursday 16 August 2012

How Time Flies

The above title simply means that time has gone by so quickly since our last update. Time did not literally fly like a bird or an aeroplane or anything (but it would be cool if we could see that). Nonetheless, it has been almost a month since we launched our new website. We’re still making improvements so thank you for putting up with us. Thank you for your feedbacks.

Now on to Ramadhan (Ramadhan is a month in the Islamic calendar). Have you checked out our latest comical short clip on Ramadhan on Morrielandtube ? Well, you should. Watch how Buyong and Yaya play practical jokes on each other. You know what? Let’s watch it right here, right now.

Hope you enjoyed that simple clip from us. Naturally after Ramadhan where Muslims all over the world observe fasting for an entire month, will come Syawal. Muslims refer to the first day of Syawal as Eidulfitri.  So right here, right now, we would like to present an exclusive new Eid Mubarak video clip.

We hope you enjoy that festive clip. In times where we are lucky enough to celebrate a joyous occasion, we shall not forget about the people in need. Sharing is caring. Giving is loving.

As we in Malaysia would say it in Bahasa Malaysia, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Keep enjoying MORRIELAND over the break!

Friday 3 August 2012

MORRIELAND Website Got A Make-Over!

Didn’t I tell you about the surprise coming? Were you surprised? Okay if you haven’t seen it yet then go to to check it out now.

Let’s wait a while for the others to check it out…

So what do you think?? Did you like it? Did you feel like you were out of this world? Were you completely blown away? Did it remind you of anything? Have you seen such thing before? Did you feel the love we’re sharing with you? We at MORRIELAND love it but it wouldn’t matter if you guys out there don’t really love it too L

The point is, MORRIELAND new website is a work in progress. We’re creating a virtual world with virtual creatures. This is a world where our series, stories and characters were crafted and born. We want you to be a part of this world. 

We want your feedback. To be quite honest, we have started to make a few more practical changes (of content we found lacking to begin with) and we’ll keep making improvements as we go along. Do you feel me? See where I’m getting at?

We do realise that some things work and some don't. It's part and parcel of a work in progress. 
Can you spot the difference? 

We want your opinion! We want your point of views. Constructive criticism is what we live for so please make your comments through any of our channels. Email us via our website, write on our Facebook wall mention us on Twitter or simply leave your comments here. Just remember that we made this site for kids to have fun and learn English using our online app. You have to subscribe to it but if you don’t have the budget then just check out the bunch of free stuff on it first.

Register for a FREE backyard pass and have fun!

 In all seriousness, we only want to make MORRIELAND a virtual experience worth exploring and hanging out for you guys out there and especially the kids. Please help our incredibly creative web enablers Alia, Azrain, Juju and Apis to make MORRIELAND website a colourful success. 

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Our silence is golden. The team has been working really hard to please themselves mostly but the outcome will be for your viewing pleasure really soon. They've come up with some new stuff but that is not all. There’s plenty more in store for you guys until the end of the year. In fact, I just saw our first iPad app in test phase. It will be awesome when it’s ready in about two weeks.

For comic lovers, our in-house comic artist/self-taught animator, Apis, has come up with a true eco-friendly comic. Why? Because for one, it is only viewable on web and second, it is about being eco-friendly! Who knew being eco-friendly can be so lucrative. Actually I did but did you? You will find out soon enough. So keep your eyes out on this one.

From just across comic corner, I found our extremely talented animator/assistant director, Antong, working on some hilarious cartoon clips. They’re all about our reason to be jolly and celebrate a new beginning. There might be a few surprises creeping up to shock your sense of humour whether young or older. Again, you have to wait just a little bit more for this.

Have you guys been checking out Morrieland A Story A Day Project? If you haven’t then you should. Some cute and simple stories told in a simple way too.

Just think about it right? Why not use these stories to start a habit of bedtime reading? Read to your kids or read to your parents. Either way, keep on reading and we’ll keep on writing. In fact, we want to welcome stories or poems from the younger folks out there (or seniors if you’re up for it). Give it a try why don’t you! Have fun reading and writing.

There’s plenty of stuff going on as I speak and some things are not ready for updates while some must remain a secret until then. Please stay tuned to MORRIELAND. Keep refreshing to see the change. See you really soon in MORRIELAND!